Friday, June 26, 2009

some thoughts

I was thinking.
I thought I was really fortunate in a weird way probably. But I could only imagine that if somebody had a life of “ordinary” people - normal moving, eating, everything and all of a sudden he got a disease. It's terrible; I think it's where people start taking drugs. They just know how it could've been and they are trying to get in this state again. I guess it's a way where people could start even abusing drugs; and as a result their own body.
Those people often don't accept the fact that they are just different.

I'm a different story I just don't know how to be a "regular kid". So for me accepting the fact that I was different wasn't a problem. I was different all my life.

I became a philosopher here :) Everybody is different so I'm really just a part of this society. I'm in fact in many ways like everybody else. I need to be loved. I need to be needed.
Just hope I could manage being helpful to the society for a long-long time.


  1. LK, I don't know what it would be like to be different as a child. I was going through life until I hit 50 years old and then the tremors and balance difficulty worsened enough to start interfering with my well being. Now I know what you were experiencing throughout life. Have you discussed MSA-C with your neurologist? Or was it called Olivoponto Cerebellar Atrophy or a different ataxia condition? Well, I am inquisitive, so just ignore my questions if you prefer. Have a great day with your wonderful husband. Take care.

  2. Dan,

    It's so OK to be inquisitive :)
    They made only one MRI on me and apparently it was enough. My neurologist...........You'll be laughing but I don't have one. I mean THE one :) I've visited neurologist office only two times: right after MRI she read the diagnosis and tried to explane what it is (oh you should see my husband's face then, they decided that it was really a family matter that was why he was there) and once again I don't really know why. This time it was him and he told me that I was taking good care of myself already and that was untreatable thing so there was no real good reason for me to go there over and over again. Good care just because I've learned already how to leave with it. I had enough time for that :)

    Why they thought I need and MRI? I'm only 40 now. Too young to have any kinds of such a symptoms. They predicted what I'm going to get during my life later on. I'm really lucky that this thing not very aggressive. I still have relatively "normal" life. I work, travel, have hobby, help others the level I can. Generally - I'm just a normal kid with life :)
    But like I told the word "normal" about life is very relative. Because every human being is different really. Life of every human being is unique. So what is really "normal"? Just word.
