Monday, July 27, 2009

irony of life

The irony of my life is that my granddad had the thing I have. Different reason though, he was a parachute coach during World War II. He had lots of jumps and doing that stuff he damaged his spine. Well, he was clumsy and all other things (not everything I have though) but he got laugh at a lot. And I was the one (I believe only one) who didn’t laugh at him. Even more I helped him the way I could anyway. I love my granddad, he passed away but I know he is in a better place now and looking down at me. I’m sure he likes what he sees I caught my dream for the tail J He was paralyzed at the end of his life, not whole body but legs. Well he was an optimist big time. I believe you could spend your entire life and not get that but he did. Really truly did. He was very involved all the time, especcially impressive it was when wasn't phisically able to gon places. He didn't have wheelchair (how sad) so he was "tied up" to his bed. But anyway - he was listening to the radio, he was reading lots of newspapers, books, he aws playing with crosswords, he was a Big Guy. I mean not his phisical body but his spirit.

Later in a life I got involved in volunteer work with disabled people. War veterans, disabled from birth but I really admired those people. Sometimes I felt like I look from bottom to top of a person, not how it was physically. Most of them were on wheelchairs. Some were with ruined arms by bombs and grenades. But they all are great people.

And now here I am. On a wheelchair more and more, first I got there only “for a moment”. And now it’s a part of my life.
Another thing what amazes me right now that when I was a kid I was listening “tails” about Grand Canyon, Hawaii and I thought that I want there so bad. But I would never get there. Well, I’ve been to Grand Canyon and Hawaii :)
OMG I’m so happy that I my little “never” dreams came true! And even more then that.

Thank you God for heping me to get here!!!

1 comment:

  1. Alaska Girl-- LK: I read your entry above and realized how true it is that if one holds their head up, you can realize so many dreams that seemed impossible. I am glad you realized the G.C. and Hawaii. I know exactly what you mean-- once we got to this place physically, it takes some doing to get to places and do things that others and ourselves earlier in life, may take for granted. You have a great outlook and it is very inspiring to me and I am sure others. Thanks for supporting me and responding. I have an up and down existence, part of which is the depression of parkinsonism... I am very thankful for friends. Keep writing, LK!
